Hello! here we have another exercise pretty similar to the previous one. We have to edit a paragraph in order to make it shorter.I tell you...it was entertaining.
Edit the following paragraph to make any wordy sentence as short as possible without changing their meaning. Rule numbers in the margin refer to a appropiate strategies in section 16. The first wordy sentence has been revised for you.
Adam Smith, the moder economics founder, proposed a theory in the eighteenth century that made him controversial. This British economist, born in Scotland and educated in England, published the first complete study of political economy named The Wealth of Nations, in 1776. Smith's book pointed out to the independence of freedom and order, economic processes and free trade laws. His thinking was considerable although did not affect economic policies during his lifetime. Among economists, "the invisible hand" and "laissezfaire"are synonymous with Smith's name. To conservative businesspeople, Smith was a good man who really understood how business works, but to liberal reformers he was totally the opposite. Both reactions are extreme and prove that the controversy aroused by Smith's ideas is still alive.
Hello guys!
This week is about reducing strategies, and here we have two solved paragraphs!
This summary must be reduced to 115 words. Watch your professor using the sentence reducing strategies to omit unnecessary words and avoid redundant expressions.
Schenker, in her article "Smart House", in Speak Up 169, accounts for that houses will be networked making people's life easier. The electronic devices will be connected to internet and will have special chips to control different activities like housework, communications, shopping, bills or people's social life. The disadvantages of having a networked home do not seem to be significant. People will just have to pay some dollars for the chips, the connection to internet and to protect the system against cyber pirating. The services will repair themselves. The money that people can spend will not mean much, considering all the smart house benefits.
(104 words)
Monica has sent her summary to the evaluative committee of the magazine "tesol quarterly" to be considered for future publication. However it was sent back because the word limit was 115. Help Monica to reduce it and fullfil the demands of the audience to be accepted.
(1) This study went through over 1,600 marginal and end comments written on 110 first drafts of essays by 47 university ESL advanced students, considering both, the pragmatic goals for and the linguistic features of each comment. (2) Consequently, drafts of each essay were examined to observe the influence of the first draft commentary on the students' revisions and assess if the changes made in response to the teacher's feedback improved the essays. (3) A comments' proportion led to student revision, and particular kinds and forms of commentary were more helpful than others. (4) The results suggested several important implications for L2 writing instruction and for future studies on a vital but neglected topic.
(110 words)