lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011


 Literacy and Foreign Language Reading. By Tony Ridgway.
When is thought that a student is capable to translate a text and fails, it has to do with Literacy. There has been found several studies about the transferability of first language (L1) reading skills, and strategies to those in second language (L2). Cognitive and behaviouristic theories have been associated to the teaching of reading and writing, setting aside the cultural and historical contexts in which individuals of different societies learn. Scribner and Cole (1981), such as other researchers, found that while there are definite cognitive skills associated with literacy, these ones are dictated by each culture and situation. Any person will have a particular literacy depending on a number of factors, and this will affect attitudes towards texts. So, teachers in the classroom have to be aware of their own attitudes and styles as well as those of their students, if they are looking for understanding and helping them with their foreign language reading. 
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